File Integrity Monitoring-FIMFile Integrity Monitoring-FIM
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File Integrity Monitoring-FIM
Let Us Help You Provide The Most Effective Defense and Healing System

File Integrity Monitoring-FIM

File Integrity Monitoring protects sensitive information from data leakage and malware. File integrity monitoring is the process of monitoring changes made to certain files to detect potential security breaches.
File integrity monitoring works by examining logs to find changes made to important system files, folders, and registry keys. It is possible to manually check if a file has been modified. However, File Integrity Monitoring software is designed to access this information at scale with an advanced system of security monitoring responses to help detect whether file modification is a routine activity or a more malicious type of security threat. Therefore, it is appropriate to work collaboratively with other security measures to help provide the most effective defense and remediation system possible against threats to business data.
Bilgi Birikim Sistemleri believes that offering the “right solution” to the customer is the greatest value. It has been serving in this field for years aiming to adhere to the determined project budget and complete it on time. In this context, it has performed many successful projects with its competent and experienced personnel. Please let us to contact you so that we can introduce our work and offer you the right solution.
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