Cloud Based WEB Access Security Cloud Based WEB Access Security
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Cloud Based WEB Access Security
Let Us Secure Your Web Access Against Advanced Threats

Cloud Based WEB Access Security

The requirement to enable employee mobility and secure access to web-based applications from multiple endpoints such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones transform the way IT departments work and the security investments.
The Secure Web Gateway (SWG) is primarily used to prevent and monitor traffic and data from entering or even leaving an organization's network. Typically, it is implemented to secure an organization against advanced threats originating from the internet through internet access, websites, and other Web 2.0 products and services. Historically, it was carried out as a firewall device configured at the exit of the corporate network, however the adoption of the enterprise cloud and cloud security change this model. There are URL filtering and virus/malware code detection among the key security solution capabilities of SWGs. SWGs focus on both inbound and outbound web traffic control unlike traditional firewalls.
Secure Web Gateway (SWG) solutions provide the following:
  • Visibility in web traffic
  • URL filtering
  • Malicious code detection and blocking
  • Application controls for cloud applications filtering malware in outbound Internet traffic generated by end-user devices
  • User authentication and tracking
  • Ability to enforce corporate policy and regulatory compliance
Bilgi Birikim Sistemleri believes that offering the “right solution” to the customer is the greatest value. It has been serving in this field for years aiming to adhere to the determined project budget and complete it on time. In this context, it has performed many successful projects with its competent and experienced personnel. Please let us to contact you so that we can introduce our work and offer you the right solution.
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