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Information Security Solutions
End User Security
Let's Increase Your End User Security Because Internal Threat Is Very Important!
End User Security
Although network security comes to mind primarily when it comes to security, end user security is one of the most important components of a holistic security infrastructure. In this sense, although the use of antivirus software, host firewall and host IPS is common, traditional solutions are not sufficient against developing and increasingly complex attacks. Digitalized human and corporate life has expanded the attack surfaces available to attackers and caused the attack vectors to diversify. In this process, the security of user information has become of great importance.
Traditional Antivirus solutions offer a signature-based solution and are inadequate against developing attacks. On the other hand, new generation antivirus solutions - by taking advantage of cloud technologies - provide advanced endpoint security against many new attack types that can be carried out with or without files, using machine learning, artificial intelligence and user habits and power shell scripts.
Endpoint Threat Detection and Response (EDR) software running on end-user devices aims to tighten security and reduce access and/or data breaches. In cases where traditional AV and NGAV solutions are insufficient and bypassed by attackers, it increases threat visibility and facilitates forensic analysis with its capabilities such as anomaly detection, warning, tracking of operations at the endpoint operating system and files level, keeping records of these, and registry changes. However, to stop threats, EDR needs to be integrated with other security software or devices such as antivirus, firewall, IPS.
At this point, security cannot be ensured only by security software installed on end user devices. Mobile device management (MDM) manages and secures the operating systems, applications, and corporate information of mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. MDM provides the opportunity to track and report detailed information about the managed device inventory. Device brand, model, serial number, IMEI number, operating system, etc. It makes a lot of information reportable. It is the first solution to prevent access to data or local networks in cases where devices are lost, stolen or copied.
Another important point in terms of corporate security is the protection of user credentials. Stolen user credentials are the biggest problem an organization can experience. In this way, the attacker will be able to bypass any security investments without any problems by pretending to be a trusted user. To prevent this, two-step authentication should be used. It is basically based on allowing access by using something the user has (something you have) and something the user knows (something you know) or a biometric feature together. An example of this is the SMS verification used when accessing banks' websites. Here, the mobile phone is what the user has, and the pin in the incoming SMS is what he knows. In this way, the risks that may be encountered due to theft of static passwords are eliminated by the use of constantly changing and unpredictable passwords.
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