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Cloud Security
Cloud Access-Content Control Technologies (CASB)
Cloud Access-Content Control Technologies (CASB)
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is a security checkpoint between cloud network users and cloud-based applications. It manages and carries out all data security policies and practices including authentication, authorization, alerts and encryption. CASBs improves an organization's visibility into who accesses its data and how it is used at endpoints.
The primary purpose of the Cloud Access Security Agent is to protect the organization's sensitive data against theft, loss or leakage. CASBs replenishes a security gap created by the migration to the cloud and the explosion of endpoints. The basic functions of a CASB include:
Cloud Access Security Agent will provide full visibility and control over all corporate data across all cloud services. It identifies and isolates cloud-based threats including malware and ransomware. In addition to abnormal behavior, CASB benefits from artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence-AI), machine learning (ML) and other intelligent automation tools to detect threats such as ransomware and malware. It is constantly evolving to respond to the ever-changing threat landscape and provide ongoing threat protection. A CASB will warn the cloud security team of any active threats or abnormal activity.
CASBs are based on four key principles: Visibility, Compliance, Cloud Security, and Protection.
Transforming to the cloud has made more difficult for IT organizations to maintain visibility into where and how their data is used in which cloud environment and application. If the organization cannot "see" this data, it cannot ensure that the use of this data complies with the organization's data policies.
Cloud Access Security Agent helps improve the organization's visibility into which cloud services, applications, and endpoints access corporate data. Moreover, it controls access levels that vary by user ID, location, job function, or device. For example, CASB may allow certain files to be shared internally with authorized users and prevent the same files from being shared with external parties.
Organizations must continue to comply with a wide variety of government and industry regulations regarding privacy and responsible use of corporate data despite the increasing complexity of a cloud-based business model. A properly designed and configured CASB helps to simplify the regulatory environment by automating reporting activity and detecting potential violations with relevant regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI-DSS.
Cloud Security
Since companies move to a more remote and distributed workforce and rely more on cloud-based infrastructure, protecting sensitive data is getting more difficult. Moreover, the increasing sophistication of hackers and digital enemies places more emphasis on the organization's prevention capabilities. Traditional data protection solutions need to be adapted and extended to protect cloud services while they are designed to protect data used internally.
CASB allows IT to apply the same principles to data in motion and at rest that is used in a cloud environment by completing the organization's existing DLP.
Threat Protection
The increasing complication of digital enemies increases the risk of data theft or leakage. Meanwhile, the relatively complex nature of cloud architecture arises the likelihood of human error. For example, misconfigured cloud folders or insecure accounts that leave ports open to the public, or using an application programming interface (API) can turn typical cloud workloads into clear targets that can be easily discovered with a simple web browser.
CASB helps organizations improve data visibility in the cloud environment through a variety of detection, monitoring and prevention tools. For example, CASB can enable the information security team to scan and remediate threats on internal and external networks in real time. The solution also enables the organization to detect and block unauthorized user access to cloud services and data.
Bilgi Birikim Sistemleri believes that offering the “right solution” to the customer is the greatest value. It has been serving in this field for years aiming to adhere to the determined project budget and complete it on time. In this context, it has performed many successful projects with its competent and experienced personnel. Please let us to contact you so that we can introduce our work and offer you the right solution.
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